SUP and YOGA: A Perfect Match

Stand up paddle boarding (SUPs) is a great way to improve balance, awareness and strength. Pairing a paddle session with yoga, both away and on the water, is a great way to strengthen your paddle experience and yoga practice. Let’s explore a few of these points below. Balance SUPing requires you to find your balance …

Rogue Yogi: What to do when a yoga student doesn’t follow your cues.

Something surprising recently happened in a class I was teaching. It unfortunately wasn’t an epiphany or jolt of kundalini rising – it was a student gone rogue. A student, who although attending the class I was teaching, did an entirely different postural yoga sequence. Picture this. I start the class as I normally do, with …

Your Yoga Space

I’ve been thinking a lot about the way space affects a person, especially mentally. Many people venture to yoga studios to find space in their minds, bodies…. And often space to get away from their house. Although practicing yoga at home is wonderful, it is also a luxury. Many people simply don’t have the space …

Unbranding My Yoga Image: Time to Get Real

When I first started AnthroYoga, I was in a major transitory life stage, like the type of life stage that resembles a hybrid creature on an evolutionary tree. I was basically a tiktaalik, swimming in the water while simultaneously developing features to walk on land. I was struggling finding work that would pay a living wage …

Add Yoga to Your Bedtime Routine for Better Sleep

Yoga is good for your body at any time of day. But, if you’re having trouble sleeping, it can be what you need to help you get a full seven to eight hours of high-quality rest. Yoga has some impressive effects on your mind and body that lead to better sleep, starting with its ability …

What’s Up with Mala Beads?

  We’ve all seen them- small beads with various colors and textures wrapped around the wrists or draped along the neck of yoga practitioners, sometimes with a tassle, other times without. These beads are known as malas, but what exactly are they? A yoga accessory?  A fashion statement? A fleeting trend? The truth is mala …

Five Books for the Curious Yogi

I love reading books. Sometimes I shift toward scientific books, other times fluffy romantic novels- it all depends how I am feeling and what my mind needs. The following list is a diverse collection of books related to yoga to spark curiosity and bring yoga off the mat and onto the page. Reading books regularly …

Five Things That Happen with a Regular Yoga Practice

I’ve written quite a bit about how your yoga practice is a tool that you can use to guide you through the varying ebb and flow that is life. Yoga may start out as a simple exercise regimen, but it can lead to changes in your life on physical, mental and social levels. This is the …

What is a #Yogi?

#Yogi is a popular hashtag for yoga professionals and enthusiasts on instagram. In fact, the hashtag currently has nearly 8 million posts on instagram alone. But the term “yogi” existed long before social media. So what exactly is a yogi? A yogi is a person who is proficient in yoga. That’s it! Just a person …

Reflection of a Yoga Student: 10 Years of Practice

I first began my yoga practice with a Rodney Yee DVD in my parent’s basement. It was 2008, and I had just graduated college with a degree in psychology, but unsure of future career prospects. Peppered with uncertainty, as well as the bleak reality of the 2008 economic downturn, I knew it was time to …